RAD Solutions

Ocean Radiation Solutions

Radiation from the Fukushima reactor meltdown was released into the ocean from water, which was leaking from the plant that was being used to cool the plant and contain the nuclear waste. The caused and continues to contaminate nearby fish and sealife. The full reach of the contamination is yet unknown.

As of now there are few solutions and little acknowledgement of the problem from those involved. Radiation levels in the ocean are still a concern. There has been little to no dispersion of the radiation since the incident, which has led some researchers to conclude that a major leak is still present. It is possible that containment of the water is not secure, or there is an unknown source of radiation leakage.

One strange solution the plant proposed was to create an underground ice wall to block the contaminated water from draining out. The plan would cost over $300 million to complete. However, this would only be a temporary solution to stopping a leak. There is also contamination in the area that could cause harm to those working on the site.

